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Halloween Costumes 4U Blog — Freddy Krueger

The Ultimate DIY Freddy Krueger Halloween Costume for All Ages - Where and What to Buy

A Nightmare on Elm Street DIY Freddy Krueger T-Shirt Costumes

The Ultimate DIY Freddy Krueger Halloween Costume for All Ages - Where and What to Buy

I’m back with more DIY Halloween Horror Movie Costumes!   A Nightmare on Elm Street is one of the greatest horror slasher film series of all time. Since his debut in 1984, Freddy Krueger has been a perennial Halloween favorite and now it's easy to DIY thanks to the makers of this Chucky-inspired t-shirt. This option is much more affordable than the $30-45 that most retailers charge for the sweater. Like last year, my main goals were authenticity, affordability, and convenience. Again, I tried to combine items from the fewest stores possible. And, of course, still support (cause as you may remember, I work for them). Remember, click on the links or the photos...

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